jeudi 5 mai 2011

Poker can be a frustrating game, post-february results

My goal going forward this year is to hit 300k VPP with a >0.5ptBB/100 winrate at 100NL. If I can manage only that, I will consider the year satisfactory as far as monies accumulated. Fortunately, i'm currently on pace for that :

However, it just feels like I could be doing so much better. I obviously have some big leaks, but I just can't seem to put my finger on the exact spot. With 2 downswings of 20+ BIs over this stretch, I feel like it's not just bad luck (obviously some variance, but still). One thing i've neglected a lot this year is poker study. With enough hands under my belt to analyze my play so far, a very solid database analysis is very much overdue.

Thus, i'll be taking a week off from the tables to focus hard on studying. Going back through most CoTWs, doing a serious digging in my database, along with a complete review with Leakbuster, watching videos, etc. I'm also looking for some coaching from serious, successful >2ptBB/100 over a ton of hands 100NL players, simply because I know where some of my big leaks are, but I just don't know exactly how to fix them properly, so I need a new perspective on my game.

Poker can be a frustrating game at times, but overall, i'm still very happy with my choice. I still enjoy the game a lot, even though it's a lot of hard work. To have real success, one must not neglect any aspect of poker & life : health (nutrition, exercice), knowledge (study, leak busting) and execution (applying knowledge properly, able to apply it well over long periods of time/many hands). I feel confident going forward!

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